Do you have a 6-12 year old that needs to get out of the house and have some fun this summer?  Need some quality child care during the summer months that doesn’t break the bank?

Then join on us at beautiful Camp Crosley, on the shores of Little Tippecanoe Lake for a fun-filled week of exciting activities like making seed bombs,  slip – n- slides, arts and crafts, the giant jumping pillow, swimming in the H2 Whoa Zone, and so much more!

Lunch is included in the price, and we have two nurses on site at all times.  Camp runs Monday-Friday from 9am-5:00 pm. Drop off begins at 8:30 am and Pick Up ends at 5:30 pm.

DC2June 16-20$200
DC3June 23-27$200
DC4June 30-July 4$200
DC5July 7-11$200
DC6July 14-18$200
DC7July 21-25$200
DC8July 28-August 1$200
DC9August 4-8$200

Day Camp fills up quickly –

