You know the old adage, “Many hands make light work.” Well, we know from experience the truth of these words.
This May 14, we’re going to be hosting our annual Partners in Service Day. What makes this day so special? Well, friends of Camp Crosley – be they former campers, staff, family friends or local groups looking to help Camp get ready for our over 2500 summer campers – come together to work on service projects. Last year we had a group of hard working volunteers make 16 picnic tables that were used in the pavilion at our brand new H2Whoa Zone. These tables were sorely needed, and we couldn’t have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time without this selfless act of service!
If you have a group of young people or adults looking to acquire community service hours, this is a great way to make that happen. Please consider joining our Camp Crosley family for a few hours of work and fellowship…and, hey…We’ll feed you!
For more information, contact Vince at 574-834-2331 or email him at