Dear Crosley Friends and Families,
We, here at Camp Crosley, are thinking of you in these uncertain times. I hope you all are safe, well, and focusing on the family. Many of you are facing hardships of your own, and we’re so humbled by you, our camp family, who still supports us during times like these despite such challenges.
As social distancing requirements continue and stretch closer to summer, I’m sure you have questions about Camp Crosley. As of now, our hope is for summer camp to start June 21st, and we are making plans for another best summer ever! You and the entire camp community’s health and safety is, and always will be, our priority.
We continue to work closely with American Camp Association (ACA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as they are currently developing specific guidance for day and overnight camps. Along with recommendations from state and local officials, we will continue to process all information as we move forward. While no decisions have been made to change the current program line-up, please be assured that any final updates will be communicated to you by Mid May.
We understand we are in a fluid situation and many are asking about our cancellation policy. Our desire is to help our families. At this time, if you decide to cancel your reservation for this summer, we will provide you with the full refund of your registration. As mentioned earlier, we hope to share updates regarding our summer plans by Mid May.
I am grateful for the trust you place in us each summer and am looking forward to seeing you and your family once this pandemic situation is resolved.
With Gratitude,
Mark Battig
Executive Director
Camp Crosley YMCA