APPLICATION PROCESS:  To be considered for a summer staff at Camp Crosley, an applicant must complete an online application and personal interview with one of the Crosley Directors.  A personal face-to-face interview is our first choice, but if travel is an issue then we will work on setting up a video interview for you.

DATES:  Lengths of employment starts on May 26 and will end August 5th.   Prior to the May 26 start date will be training days for specific activities such as Challenge Course, Lifeguarding, Target Sports, and a few others.  There is an allowance of taking a day off or a possible week however that will need to be discussed prior to the employment.

COMPENSATION & TIME OFF:  Base salary for staff ranges from is $375-475 per week.  Compensation is based off of camp experience, certifications, and responsibilities.  Staff will receive one night off during the week and a 24 hour period from Saturday to Sunday.