I see you there. Sitting at your kitchen table or office desk or whatever clear spot you can find free from papers that need parent signatures and work brought home from the office…and then there are Camp Crosley forms.
I get it. I’m a mom too. What’s with all the forms? Why can some be filled online and others HAVE to be sent to camp? Why does camp need originals and not faxed copies? Filling out forms ranks right up there with checking my kids’ head for lice after getting a notice from school that someone in their class has it or sitting through a Little League baseball doubleheader when you forgot to bring a blanket and the spring weather turned out not to be so spring like.
I have a little secret to share. I get to go into the Camp’s office once a week, and I cannot think of a nicer, more professional coworker than Pam, our Office Administrator. To say she is amazing is an understatement, and I promise you, she is not trying to make your life difficult with all these different ways of filling out forms.
Some of it has to do with state regs. Some has to do with keeping professional certifications from camping regulatory agencies. Some of it has to do with a new computer system that’s changed the way we do things. ALL OF IT has to do with keeping ALL CHILDREN SAFE AND SECURE.

So here’s the deal whether you are a returning parent or a newbie, please read the following. PLEASE. It will save you a lot of headache when you come to Sunday registration and are missing papers, because if that happens, you will have to sit and fill out forms before dropping your child off, and NO ONE wants to sit and fill out forms. We get that.
1.) Four weeks before your child comes to camp, all forms and payment must be returned to camp.
2.) We need the HARD COPIES of the following forms:
- The WHITE health and exam form found in the parent packet.
- The BLUE liability form in the parent packet.
- The physical
- The vaccination record.
3.) We need these forms completed online:
- Camper Release
- Confidentiality form
- Medical Form
- If you choose not to fill out these forms online, please call the camp office or email info@campcrosley
Parents, thank you again for all you do for your kids and for camp. We know you have a lot of choices in where to send your child, and we are honored you have chosen Camp Crosley for your child’s summer camping experience.
Here’s to the Happy Campers (and their parents)!
Priscilla, aka Camp Mom