“Yes, yes we are,” is the answer I give to friends or folks wanting to learn more about what we do in our “off” season here at Camp Crosley. In truth, there really is no “off” season. There’s Groups Season, and there’s a Summer Camp Season. Summer Camp I really don’t need to spell out what we do because it’s pretty obvious from the photos and videos and social media and blog posts, and the 104 years of tradition, but Groups Season, for some reason still is wide open for questions, and I’m here to answer them for you because we LOVE serving communities by serving the groups who come to us from August – May.

Our LakeView Conference Room offers lots of natural light, and overlooks Little Tippy. It’s one of our most requested spaces.
We offer several options for our groups: we can provide space and no programming; we can provide space and limited or full programming. Crosley staff can run some activities, and the group’s leaders can run some activities – or Crosley can do all the programming. Depending on the time of year and the numbers in the group, we can run our ropes course for team building , which is usually a new experience for most participants, and we see a LOT of breakthroughs happen up in those trees!

We help teachers cover curriculum in our great big outdoor classroom with classes such as Pond Study, a one hour experience where kids become amateur limnologists (Google it! It’s a real thing!) and discover all the life teeming just below the surface of freshwater ponds. Other favorite activities offered are canoeing, Giant Swing, the climbing wall, zip lining, tie dyeing, and even candle making. And who can forget, GaGa. Lots and lots of GaGa while waiting for lunch.

Speaking of lunch and all other meals, you are welcome to arrange your own or let us serve you in our traditional camp dining hall – it really does look and feel like something right out of the movies. We are experienced with working with food allergies and can accommodate most diets – just let us know in advance!
If you have any more questions, or want to start the conversation about bringing your church group, school classes or corporate/non profit organization, fill out and submit this form,
Joe, our super helpful, knowledgeable Groups and Retreats Director, will get in touch with you and together we can come up with a great plan for you and your group.

Happy Camping! From our work family to yours!