What’s With All The Forms?

May 15, 2015

I see you there. Sitting at your kitchen table or office desk or whatever clear spot you can find free from papers that need parent signatures and work brought home from the office…and then there are Camp Crosley forms. All.Those.Forms. I get it. I’m a mom too. What’s with all the forms? Why can some… Read more »

What is Your Crosley Story?

May 14, 2015

Alumni, (And by Alumni, we mean anyone who attended or worked at Camp Crosley at any time whether for summer camp or with a group.) we are collecting your stories to put in a time capsule on July 18, 2015. This capsule will be opened at Camp Crosley’s 150th Celebration. Some of us may make it… Read more »

International Staff and Campers

May 1, 2015

It doesn’t take long during Sunday registration to figure out not everyone at camp hails from the good ol’ USA. Last year many of our kitchen staff came from Eastern Europe, our ski program director hailed from New Zealand and our waterfront director called England home. These are just a few examples of the diverse… Read more »

Care Packages – It’s All About the Gray Squirrel

April 23, 2015

“Mom, will you send us a package at camp?” one of my girls asked last summer. Not an unusual request except for the fact that I was actually living and working at camp last year. “What do you mean you want a package from home? I’m here!” I responded. Turns out the excitement of getting… Read more »

A Typical Camp Day

March 30, 2015

 Answers to your questions about what your kids are up to 24/7 You’ve poured over the camp website. You’ve read all the lists of activities and have seen the daily schedule, but if you’ve never been to Camp Crosley as a camper yourself, you might still have a lot of questions. I get that. Even… Read more »