Look at that view! It may not seem like much now, but this summer this is the view of the H2Whoa Zone from our brand new camp offices housed in our brand new building, The George and Frances Ball Welcome Center. We’re excited about these new changes coming to camp because it only means life gets better for the most important people around here – kids!
With the addition of our new Welcome Center along with our new Edmund F and Virginia B Ball Pavilion and new medical facility to honor the Brown Family of Muncie, we’ll be able to make changes down at the center of camp. Our old office areas, along with the Iodine Inn, will be redesigned and remodeled into more camper housing. Also, very few vehicles will come down into that area anymore. All delivery trucks and cars except for food service trucks will stop at the Welcome Center, freeing up the area down by the dining hall from any kind of traffic. Better safety. More campers. Sounds the beginning of another great summer at Camp Crosley. It’s #Crosley101, and we can’t wait to get started!