“Mom, will you send us a package at camp?” one of my girls asked last summer. Not an unusual request except for the fact that I was actually living and working at camp last year. “What do you mean you want a package from home? I’m here!” I responded.

Turns out the excitement of getting a package from home has little to do with the stuff inside a box, and everything to do with the fact that kids get to be part of a special group. The group known as Campers Who Got Packages. Counselors call their names at lunch, and campers go forward, and together with all the other kids who received packages chant out the familiar words, Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel Swish Your Bushy Tail.

No chant. No package. Yet another camp tradition. (We’re kind of big on traditions around here.)

But the big question is, “What do I send?” Well, there are care package companies like SWAK (Sealed With A Kiss at www.eswak.com) or www.camppacs.com.**** Just google “camp care packages” and lots of options will come up. It’s easy and taken care of. You can also purchase items from the camp store on Sunday during registration and have them delivered on certain days.

If you want to create your own care package, from what I’ve seen kids love glo-sticks (instant cabin dance party!), card games, snacks, books, puzzles, MadLibs, etc. Who has time to run around to gather all these things? I don’t. I just ordered them all at amazon.com. I also got some great autographed pillowcases with fabric markers. They loved coming home with all their friends’ signatures.

Picture for Mom blog care packages

To save on postage, you can bring packages with you and leave them at the camp post office with your child’s name and the date you’d like it delivered.

Packages are not necessary. No one will be left out for not getting a package, but they are a fun tradition. You don’t have to spend a ton of money or a lot of time, and trust me, the look on your child’s face when he or she is called forward for Gray Squirrel is priceless!

Any more questions about summer camp? Feel free to email me at priscilla@campcrosley.org. I can’t wait to meet you and your camper this summer.


Priscilla, aka Camp Mom



****This isn’t an official endorsement from Camp Crosley. This is just a mom writing what she knows. No one has received any compensation from any company for mentioning its site.